Saturday, September 23, 2006

Fort Niagara

I have been terrible about posting since I created this blog, so I thought I better catch up. We did some fun stuff this week, so I have some good material for posting.

On Thursday we decided that a field trip was in order, so we went to Old Fort Niagara. It is situated on the mouth of the Niagara River, where it empties into Lake Ontario. It is a neat location because one can look across the river to see Canada without all the customs stuff that clutters up the view at any of the bridges.

It was a bit of an overcast day, but it was warm for mid September and we were all comfortable in light weight jackets. My daughter, who loves light houses, was quite pleased when we arrived at the Fort and there was a light house practically in the parking lot. She snapped a couple pictures of it:

My children took all the digital pictures while we were there, and I tried my hand at film again. It has been a long time and I have forgotten everything I once knew about film photography, which isn't saying much. I need to finish out the roll so I can find out how I did. If any of them turn out I will scan and post some. I have been inspired by my Mom, who has always taken great pictures and has recently begun taking a lot of them. I have never had her talent for composing a great shot, but I am trying. My kids seem to have this talent, so I like to let them take pictures with the digital camera.

As we walked around at the fort, I was impressed by the good condition of most of the structures. As if reading my mind, my son took a few pictures of the architecture:

I suspect he was actually taking picutres of the shield and sign, but I thought they were great pictures of the architecture! At one point, while inside the structure in the bottom picture above, we stopped to look out over Lake Ontario, and saw a skyline. Curious as to what skyline it might be, we asked one of the men in colonial period military garb carrying a musket, what skyline we were seeing. He informed us that it is Toronto. Upon closer inspection, we realized that we could see the CN Tower...very cool. I attempted a picture with my film camera, but I doubt the picture will show anything but the very choppy water of the lake.

We spent most of the day there and had a great time. The kids don't know it yet, but they will be doing some projects for school based on what they learned at the Fort.

1 comment:

Katya said...

Kudos to both Kyle and Sarah! They did a great job taking pictures! The fort looks like a great HS'ing field trip. There are sooooo many in NYS.(great places to visit, that is!) We are blessed!