Monday, October 09, 2006

Cooking Day

Well, we took our apples and made apple sauce and another yummy apple treat. The girls and I chopped up about 15 pounds of apples for sauce.

Once all the apples were cut up, we cooked them down in two pots...

Here's a close up of one of the pots...

Finally, we mashed up all the apples in the food mill...

There is a little cooking station set up right outside the bakery at work, so when I am making bagels in the morning, I can smell all the yummy foods that the chef is making for customers to sample. The other day he brought a pan of apples and squash all cut up into the bakery to put in one of our ovens. It smelled so good even though I am not a fan of squash. He mentioned that the recipe is in the current issue of the magazine that the grocery store produces. So while I was cutting up apples for applesauce and wondering about the sqaush stuff, I remembered that my copy of the magazine was in the dining room. I got it and tried the recipe...

1 butternut squash
2 apples (granny smith, but I used Cortland because that is what I had)
2 Tbsp EVOO
Salt and Pepper to taste
2 Tbsp Honey (lavender honey, per the recipe...I used plain old honey)

Cut the apples and squash into bite size pieces. Mix up all but the honey and spread the mixture out on a sheet pan. Bake at 450 for 20 minutes. Drizzle with 2 Tbsp honey.

I am going to take this to my inlaws for dinner tonight, so I will put the honey on it there after I heat it back up. The girls tried it without the honey and announced that it was "yuuuummmy!"

Here is a picture of all the goodies we made...

Tomorrow we will make apple butter in the crockpot.

1 comment:

Katya said...

Terrific pics, Carly! And, that applesauce....yummy!!!!! It looks like you all had some fun in the making and that is what is most important! How did the apple/squash casserole turn out?