Sunday, March 11, 2007

New Glasses

Silly me...I was so tired last night that I completely forgot part of the reason why! Friday afternoon Sarah and I were watching television when she gasped and groaned. I looked over to see her holding the temple for her galsses in one hand and the rest of the glasses in the other. This is the second pair (same frame style) that has come apart in this manner in the last year. She had been complaining about not being able to see well, so I figured it was a good time to get an exam and new glasses. Here begins the fun!

Since Jeff got laid off money has been tight, but the kids were supposed to have insurance effective March 1. Well, as of March 6 I did not have any proof of insurance, and the application was "awaiting approval." When her glasses broke I groaned due in part to the fact that I wasn't sure if she had insurance yet and partly because we were going to a hockey game Friday evening and she would not be able to see without glasses! I got on the phone and praise God, her insurance had been approved. The woman gave me her policy number and I was able to go online and print a copy of her insurance card.

It was about 12:30...the game start was 7:35...we needed to leave home by 6:45ish. I jumped in the shower, threw the girls in the car and hurried across town to the mall where no one shops (long story). We go there because we can always get right in for exams with no appointment. We go to a place where they have an independent Doc within the place where they make the glasses. After her eye exam we went to look at frames and were informed that due to the severity of her perscription, they would not be able to make her glasses there, but could order them. This is one of those places who claims to be able to make your lenses while you wait. Seeing the obvious dismay on my face, the helpful optician suggested that one of their other stores could probably do them because they have more sophisticated equipment. After some coaxing, he finally called the other store so I could be assured that another 20 minute drive would not turn up futile as well. The time then was 2:50.

We arrived at store #2 around 3:15 and by 4:00 Sarah had decided on a frame and been measured, etc. The only hitch was that the "about an hour" claim, turned into 2 hours...because of her perscription...UGH!!!! Remember, we needed to leave our house, 20 minutes away, by 6:45. We were cutting in awfully close and Kyle was at home, oblivious to our chaos, thinking that we would be home at any minute and I would make dinner before we left for the game. The girls and I decided it would be a good idea to eat while we were waiting, so we decided to try a place near the glasses store that touted itself to be a bar and grill...yeah right! Granted it was Friday afternoon, about 4 PM, but this was no was indeed a bar! After standing in the doorway for a full minute and not even being greeted, we decided to go further down the mall to a TGI Fridays, also a bar and grill but more grill than bar!

After eating, we wandered the mall for a few more minutes and then headed back to the glasses place. It was only 5:45, but I was hoping they would be done. Thankfully, they were finished and we were able to head home by 6:00. We got home, said hi to Jeff, grabbed Kyle and went to the game. It was an absolutely hectic day, but everything did finally fall into place nicely and Sarah is very pleased with her new glasses!

Not the best picture of her glasses, but you can see that they look cute on her and that they are blue.

1 comment:

Katya said...

Oh my! You had better sit down and take a rest! I love Sarah's new glasses!! Very cool!