Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Vet Visit

A few days ago I noticed a spot on Joe's left thigh/hip that looked a little sore. Well, being a very clean little dog, he licked it incessantly. Unfortunately, this caused more harm than good and now the wound is much larger. I called the vet's office yesterday and got him an appointment for today. Since we only got him in December, I have not had him to the Vet's office yet and was unsure how he would react. He is a very good boy and was completely fine with the vet visit, even when they shaved all the hair from the infected area.

I invited my mom to go along as she is looking for a vet that is somewhat holistic. She, of course, brought her camera and took many pictures. Here are a few that document our visit...

Joe sits patiently, waiting for the vet to come in.

"Perhaps a belly rub while I wait?" asks Joe.

Joe thought the vet needed some kisses.

Here you can see the shaved spot. It is an angry red, but with the air now able to get to it, we should see vast improvements shortly. We have to wash it with a disinfectant daily, and he is also taking an oral antibiotic. He has to wear the E-collar (Elizabethan) so he can't lick it. He was relatively unphased by the whole ordeal, but I imagine he will be very happy when he no longer needs the collar!


Anonymous said...

Poor baby! No wonder Erin felt like crying when she saw him. Hope he feels better soon.

Katya said...

Carly, I just LOVED that picture of him looking up at the vet. As I was uploading the pictures, I thought that one would be a great ad for their office! hehehe
Joe was SO good at the office. I think he is such a fabulous little fellow! I hope some of that redness is gone today. Give him hugs and scritches from me!!