Saturday, March 10, 2007


What a long day! Last night my in-laws took the kids and me to an Amerks hockey game. What a disappointing game. They were playing the Crunch and neither team played well. The final score was 7 to 4 in favor of the Crunch. As if their bad playing wasn't enough, we had to change seats 3 times while we were there. One of the seats we had tickets for was broken, so we sat in the row above our seats, until the people holding those tickets arrived. Then we moved to some really horrible seats in the lower section. Finally, after the first period had ended, they finished fixing our broken seat and we were able to move to our ticketed seats.

We didn't get home from the game until around 10:30 and I had to unwind before I could go to bed. Of course, I had to be at work at 5 AM, so when I didn't fall asleep until after midnight, I knew I would be really tired today. Work was absolutely insane! I made more bagels between 5 AM and 10 AM than I normally bake in a full 8 hour shift. Another store near ours has closed so they can reopen with a new, improved store so we think we are seeing a lot of their customers at our store in the mean time.

On my way home from work, I stopped at a local mall where the Irish Import Shop was sponsoring an Irish program of sorts. There were singers and dancers (but no la-laers LOL!). One of my favorite groups was there, the Dady Brothers. My mother-in-law had picked up the kids while I was at work, so I met them there and we enjoyed the dancers and musicians for a couple of hours.

Dady Brothers,
John (left) and Joe

Sarah was taking pictures and wanted a picture of John Dady, who happened to be sitting nearby while another group was on stage. When she and Erin went over to ask if they could take his picture, they got a surprise...

John asked his daughter, also an Erin, to take a picture of him with my girls.
We also ran into a friend that I work with, Peggy.

Once we left the mall, I was ready for a nap, but I went home and played around on the computer for awhile, leaving myself only about an hour to nap before church. The church we attend has 5 services between Sataurday evening and Sunday morning, so Sarah called her friend to see if she was going to be there tonight. Her parents were planning on going tomorrow, but said they could drop her off tonight, if we could bring her home. Then I also offered to take her big sister back to her college dorm (2 minutes from our house). Now, I am soooo ready for bed!

On that note...Goodnight!

1 comment:

Katya said...

Good GRIEF! You have had such a busy weekend, haven't you!I am lying around, wishing I had the energy to get up! This cold is rotten!!! I really like the picture of the girls with John Dady. That is cute.