Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Family Reunion

While sitting around the hotel last evening, I snapped a few pictures. Then several of us went to play mini golf and I got some great photos of the gang.




and Irma.

Hannah was enjoying the heights as Jennifer gave her a ride.

After dinner we went to play mini golf.
Alan cheers his mom on as she takes a shot.

Crazy golfer, Chelsea, puts on a smile as she waits her turn.

Jordan gives me a silly grin.

Erin and Eli strike a pose between holes.

The girls check out a waterfall from inside a "volcano."

Jim and Amanda smile over some pretty flowers.

The "noisy" group...

...and the "deadly" group.

Sarah is enjoying herself...

Erin is annoyed at the camera.

I found this pretty flower amid the golf greens. I, of course, couldn't resist taking a picture of it!

After a hard evening of golf, we needed some "nourishment."

Chelsea sports a chocolate mustache...

...while Erin eats what looks like something toxic. It was only Lemon Sorbet.

Miniature golfing can be a dangerous sport. The "deadly" group, of which I was a part, hit each other (and the other group) with golf balls on several occasions. Chelsea managed to lob a ball into the parking lot, and many golf balls went "off course." There was much silliness and much fun!

1 comment:

Katya said...

Well, that golfing game looks like you had a terrific time...and by the sound of it, if you let the balls rip off into the wrong direction, we *must* be related...IE, when I rolled the bowling ball...ummmm....backwards!
In looking at little Hannah, the only resemblence I can see in that particular picture to you is chubby cheeks! The curly hair, dark eyes...she is a real cutie! She does seem to look a good deal more like her mom!