Monday, June 04, 2007


...The foundation for all future success.

Those are the words on the plaque that Sarah won at her dance recital yesterday afternoon. She began Irish step dancing at a non-competitive school 4 years ago. The first few years she loved it, but then last year all of her friends moved up to the advanced class, and Sarah was still in the Intermediate class. She felt very bad about it, but never said a word to anybody. I knew it hurt her, but she continued to go to class and work hard. Eventually she began telling me that this would be her last year of Irish dance. The day her teacher announced that 3 students would be moving up next year, Sarah came home more excited about dance than I had seen her in a long time. Her name was announced first, of those that would move up.

By recital time Sarah not only knew the steps to her own solo (the most difficult steps for that class), but she knew the other 8 students steps. Her teacher kept telling me how much she had blossomed this year. At the dress rehearsal on Saturday, her teacher checked with me to make sure we were staying through the recognition and awards portion of the recital. I assured her that we were, and she said "Oh good...don't tell Sarah." At the recital, even though we knew that she was getting the award, it was moving to see the look of surprise on her face and to see all her friends from the advanced class cheering for her. Needless to say, Sarah has decided to dance for one more year.

Here are some pictures taken right after the recital. Unfortunately none of us has a camera with enough umph to take pictures during the recital. The auditorium is incredibly dark except for right on stage, and picture taking is a huge challenge.

Sarah and her instructor. Doesn't Sarah look pleased?

Sarah and Erin show off their certificates and Sarah's plaque.

Erin and her first year dance certificate.

Erin took tap, jazz, and ballet last year, so when she decided to take Irish dance this year, Sarah's teacher told her she could go into the Intermediate class since she knew all the basic steps. She learned most of the basics in tap, as the very basic steps are similar, and the rest her sister had taught her. Even though she was by far the youngest and smallest in the class, she did a phenomenal job in the recital.

1 comment:

Katya said...

Hurrah for Sarah!!! What a wonderful achievement! When we just continue on without grumbling and complaining, God often surprises us in ways we would never dream of! Erin looks very happy, too! Good job, girls!!!